Over the last few weeks we have strengthened ties with our neighbours here at Biocity Nottingham. Working with other CROs on site gives clients the opportunity to run integrated projects, whilst maintaining access to the expertise within specialist CROs. We’re proud to be able to support the excellent medicinal chemistry taking place on site by offering our analytical expertise and purification capability. We feel it offers a real benefit to projects, especially at a time when international shipping is far from ideal. Working with companies that are located here at Biocity allows us to turnaround samples even faster, keeping projects on track.

‘Having Reach Separations at the end of the corridor allows us to drop samples off as soon as they are ready, safe in the knowledge that they will be picked up straight away. Analytical results are often returned the same day, allowing us to make project decisions quickly.’ James Hitchin, Head of Chemistry, Charnwood Molecular.
With biotech across the UK and Europe facing either closed laboratories or reduced capacity, it is great that flexible outsourcing remains an option. Its thanks to the adaptability of the CROs involved that we have managed to offer the same great service whilst complying with all social distancing guidelines.
You can find out more about the four companies combining forces here.